jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010


A few years ago, I was on Ahumada street walking to the subway. When I came down to the station a lady told me that a black jacket man had took something from my backpack. I turned back fast and I saw him. I took his shoulder and yelled at him and said "give me back my wallet and my lunch tickets!!!". He told me, in a very calm way, that he didn't took anything, that he was working and that he did have money. He let me check his pockets and I didn't found anything. He showed me his own wallet and it was full of money.

I knew he had stole my stuff, but I couldn't do anything about it, because thiefs who steal in places with a lot of people usually pass what they stole to their partners.

It's hard to say what is the reason of the incresing criminality. I don't know any stadistic that could assert that. Maby people thinks that because the media is always showing crimes in the news because most of people watchs it -or likes to watch it-.

If the criminality had increase or not, there is crime anyway and many citizens are afraid. In my opinion, I think that crime and violence are a product of poverty and exclusion. That's why the goverment should guarantee a top quality education to the entire society, and provide rehabilitation for those who had commit a crime.

Another kind of crime are murders and sexual crimes. Those are very
serious and have irreversible consequences. In spite of that, I don't think that capital punishment is a good mesure. Is true that it evites that the person who broke the law do it again, but at the same time if justice declares guilty an inocent person it becomes a disaster.

Capital punishment would reduce the violent crimes. In fact psychopaths can't be rehabilitate. I personally belive that any human been should kill another in any circunstance. Besides, why kill another person who did horrible things to other people if you can tourture him with his own thoughts by locking him for ever?

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

September 18th, my favourite festivity

My favourite festivity is the chilean independence celebration. It commemorates the first goverment meeting on september 18th on 1810. On this day, people eat chilean food and play traditional games such as fly kites, rayuela, and cacho.

This festivity is on the same date that my sister's birthday, so besides eating barbecue me and my family eat cake. On this hollyday, we usually invite some uncles and cousins to celebrate.

I like september 18th more than other festivities like new year, or christmas because I eat my favourite dishes. These are empanadas, choripanes and anticuchos. all made with meat. And don't forget the drinks like chicha or terremoto. This drink is made out of pineapple ice cream, a chilean wine called pipeño, and granadina.

Last year my boyfriend and I went to the O'Higgins Park fonda. A fonda is a place where people dance cueca, eat and drink a lot. We had so much fun watching all these drunk people laying on the floor, dancing and laughing that we want to come back this year.

The only thing that I have never done during this festivity is celebrate more than one day. I can't wait for that weekend.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

My favourite piece of technology

A few weeks ago, I decided to buy a laptop. I didn't think that it would be necessary, but I wanted to have one anyway because it would be more comfortable than the traditional desk computer.

One day, I saw a very nice and cheap laptop on the internet, my dad gave me the money and I bought it. Once I get home with my new computer I became an addict. I have always like surfing in the web, but doing it while I am laying in my warm bed it's so different than before!

At first, my laptop was for making homeworks, write articles, read books, study, and all those things that people have to do at the university. Now I use it more to talk with my friends, read papers and magazines, listen to music, and watch videos everyday.

I like my laptop because it allows me to travel taking with me all the works that I have to do. Alsow it's wonderfull to be connected with the world everytime.

However, having a laptop has difficulties. One of them is that you have to be carefull with these objects, because they're expensive. The second problem is that if you don't have an internet connection it is very boring.

But the most important difficultie is that you have too many distractions. If you don't focus on what you really have to do -like studying, for example-, you could loose a lot of precious time for sleep.

Life would be so much difficult without my laptop... I couldn't work late at night, and I couldn't talk with my friends, or share videos and music. This technology object makes me really happy, but also consumes my time and energy.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

My best friends

I met one of my best friends in my first day in a new school on second grade. I was six years old and I didn't knew anyone in my class. I sat down next to a dark hair girl called Natalia who was new at school just like me. We started talking and she became my best friend.

When we grew up, we met other people and we kept distant for a few years, but we still talking and seeing each other once in a while. In that time I started to hang out with a girl who also studied at my school and lived near to my house. Her name was Gabriela. It was very fun to go out with her, be cause we grew up toghether. We used to go to partys, dance, go shopping, cook weird foods, swim, met boys, and all those things that young girls do.

However, our friendship finished. When I was fifteen I met my boyfriend and a month after I move to a new house far away from her, so we stop talking.

After that, I started to go out with another girls of my class. One of them was Gabriela,-just like my other best friend- a short girl with curly hair, and we became friends. She is one of the most sensitive persons that I have ever met and we laugh a lot.

I have always thought that we met the best friends when we were kids. That's why two of my best friends are still being very close, but we can't see them very often be cause we are all studing at different universities.