jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Benedetti the great

Mario Benedetti is one of the most important writers of Latin America. He was born in Uruguay in 1920 and worked at newspapers and magazines for a long time until he was exiled in the 70’s from his country be cause of his political position. Then he lived in Buenos Aires, Lima and Spain where he kept writing. In his career he has wrote more than 80 novel s, short stories and poetry books. Sadly, he died two years ago after a long disease.

Some of his best books are “La Tregua”, “Gracias por el fuego”, “La borra del café”, “Despistes y Franquezas”, and my favourite one “Buzón de tiempo”.

Benedetti is one of my favourites writers be cause he creates characters who seem to have very normal lifes when they’re actually don’t, and he can transform any atmosphere in a beautiful experience.

When I read that he died I felt really sad for two reasons. The first one was that I lost my opportunity to meet a great human been and the second reason was that I lost someone who I could really understand, someone who I really appreciate. The truth is that I lost his company. That day I lost a friend.

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